The credits below are for the first iteration of SPHERES that took place, November 17, 2018, of which planning began in 2017. This experience was a fashion show dance party held at the Madison Masonic Temple. The location was kept secret until day-of, upon when a text was sent to everyone on the guest list. Through this production, $20K+ was invested in supporting artists and their craft. A lot of time, treasure, and talent made this possible.
Daryna Ou (Fashion Director)
Nela Kalpic (Assistant Fashion Dir.)
ReThreads (stylist)
UpShift (stylist)
Dawn Marie-Svanoe (body paint & costume)
Hannah Janko-Barrios (makeup concepts)
Madison Aveda Institue (hair & makeup)
Jennika Bastian (crown sculpture)
Sophie Shapeless (fire headdress & costume)
Julia Barton (seamstress)
Pete Rabenstine (Malkuth)
Olivia Pragar (Yesod)
Simon Smith (Hod)
Quentin Scott (Netzach)
Lauren Lenz (Tiphareth)
Tina DeLane (Geburah)
Naveen Vk (Chesed)
Sashe Mishur (Da’ath)
Sophie Shapeless (Da’ath)
Leona Harper (Binah)
Landon DeVon (Chokmah)
Micah Dombroe (Kether)
DJ Heather (music)
DJ UMI (music)
Sophie Shapeless (dance)
Kobby Brewoo (dance)
Megan Winger (dance)
Fractaled Visions (live visuals)
Jennika Bastian (live painting)
Aaron Laux Design (DJ table)
Birds Eye Projections (LED wall)
Sarah Akawa (lights & logistics)
Art Gecko (decor)
Hedi LaMarr Photography (photography)
Jacob Koch (photography)
Damien Blue (videography)
Emmet Hayes (graphic design)
Gabe Oviawe (graphic design & photography)
MC Audio (sound & lights)
Dane Arts (artist funding)
Arts Wisconsin (artist fiscal agency)
Lochlan Masters (volunteer extraordinaire)
Ross Kelley (volunteer extraordinaire)
Badger Herald (media)
Madison Masonic Temple (venue)
East Madison Community Center (rehearsal space)
Thirsty Goat (promo)
Miss Monique (music contributions)
So much gratitude goes out to everyone that was involved with the first SPHERES experience in 2018. Thank you to all the beautiful people that made it possible, getting their hands and hearts dirty with some aspect of the production. $20K+ was allocated to artists and their craft, and we look forward to continuing the story and impact…
SPHERES has been conceptually crafted by BG Creative to explore and apprehend the Hermetic Tree of Life. Reproduction of this work in progress – whole or in part – is welcomed and encouraged to further the learning of all. Please tag @enterspheres and use #spheres
From the awareness of unity comes the Will to unite. Love powers Will, and we become aware of unity when we listen to and follow Will.